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Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Regional Trade S.A.U. states, through is CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICIES, to carry out sustainable development, reflecting the commitment with current and future society well-being.

The development of this commitment is achieved by adding value to the products, keeping the balance among three principles:

Economic performance: to develop profitable business following our own interest while, at the same time, supporting local, regional and national development, mainly promoting the production of strawberry, emblematic fruit of the region where the manufacturing facilities and raw material are located.


Environmental balance: o maximize resources productivity while minimizing residues and emissions, and adding value for the company and its customers.


Social responsability: to impose ethical behavior to generate economic development, and at the same time improve life quality for its employees and their families, the neighboring communities and society as a whole, based on the observation of Human, Children’s, and Worker's Rights.

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